1.However, he had been an outstanding player and the deaf people still talk about him and his years in baseball.
2.Epee was able to speak and hear, but he worked during most of his life as a teacher of deaf people in France.
3.I'm always aware of and ready to help those deaf people who are in need when I am working out as a tour guide.
4.He was erect and skinny, with a look that rarely corresponded to the situation, the way deaf people have of looking.
5.When they interact with one another, deaf people act in ways that let them communicate more rapidly and accurately than hearing people.
6.The community of deaf people who use American Sign Language as a primary means of communication.
7.he plans to formalise this arrangement, possibly by setting up a charitable trust to help deaf people working in the industry.
8.Electronic cochlear implant is an electronic device for restoring deaf people's hearing with limited electrodes implanted in their cochlear.
9.Deaf people may have no trouble communicating English words through American Sign Language, or ASL.
10.Deaf people live mostly on disability benefit and because such families are often poor, many generations tend to share the same flat.